Episode 26: We're back! With DJ SHAW.

DJ Shaw from Portland Oregon joins us to discuss player development in the modern day.

00:30 Recapping the Coach Shaw Holiday Hoop Camp

03:33 Clarifying training expectations for parents

05:55 Reaching your next level as a player

08:58 Identifying the starting point for player development

13:00. Improving at what's necessary for the player vs what's desired by the player

16:48. Coach Shaw lists some great free resources to check out

19:18. Learning from Phil Beckner

22:30. Filtering out distracting voices

26:00 We need to de-emphasize scoring in our player development

29:17. Pre-game needs for players

29:41. Post-game needs for players

30:30. Book recommendation

32:18. Film study recommendation: Rip Hamilton

Order "Learning the Game of Basketball: Volume 1" https://www.amazon.com/Learning-Game-Basketball-Foundational-Principles/dp/B0CKLMQ8KY/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=

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Matt Espinoza

A basketball coach with an interest in visual arts. Living to share the love of Jesus with my words, actions, and service.