To me, one of the best things in life is the people I get to be around. I love that I get to be surrounded by a diverse group of people every day. My enjoyment is not necessarily being around people, but more so learning from people. Taking what I see from them or from what they tell me and reflecting on how I am living. This is best applied when I can make connections with what I am seeing in those around me with what I am studying.
I am currently going through a study called “Our Great Exchange.” It is a study on stewardship. While I limited my thoughts towards stewardship on how I use my money, the first lesson expanded my mind. Stewardship is more than our money, it is everything that we are given, tangible or intangible. Stewardship is taking the gifts God has given you and using them to become who God wants you to be.
As I mentioned before, I was able to go observe a Trailblazers practice. This opportunity was presented to me by my guy Henry. This isn’t the first time he has given me a unique opportunity. Watching Henry made me realize that leadership and growth is a collective process. We always hear how God calls us into a life of community. I think when we refuse to be selfless in our communities, it limits not only our individual growth, but also the growth of those around us.
It’s important to remember that what we have is not ours. We are only stewards of what we have. Life in community requires intentional selflessness. Instead of being focused on YOUR goals and what YOU want, think in terms of the whole. If we hoard our gifts and opportunities for ourselves, we limit the exchange of growth we can share with others. Don’t leave your team behind, bring them with you.