2012 Book List (part 2)

As I mentioned before, my goal for 2012 was to learn and develop as a person by reading. My original goal was to read 12 books, one per month. By July, I had read 13, so I set my sights on 30. As you can see from my list, I made it to 27. I am excited about becoming a reader, and would recommend to anyone - - start reading! It has definitely helped me grow in all aspects of my life. Feel free to contact me if you want to read my notes on any of the books, and you can also click the link to order the book. Click here for Part 1

14. You, Inc.: The Art of Selling Yourself, by Harry Beckwith

Strategies on developing yourself for you business. The emphasis of the book is that the most important part of your business is you.

15. Purple Cow, New Edition: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable, by Seth Godin

Tips on making your business or product stand out. What would be more remarkable - - a regular cow or a purple cow?

16. Paleoista: Gain Energy, Get Lean, and Feel Fabulous with the Diet You Were Born to Eat, by Nell Stephenson

Paleo living from a woman’s perspective. Discusses the benefits of paleo eating for energy, skin health, and fat loss.

17. The Power of Full Engagement: Managing Energy, Not Time, Is the Key to High Performance and Personal Renewal, by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz

Very beneficial read on how to manage your energy. The authors discuss how managing your energy is more important than managing your time.

18. 55 Fitness Business Strategies for Success, By Alwyn and Rachel Cosgrove

The married couple who have created one of the most successful fitness facilities in America share what they did right and what they did wrong along the way.

19. Never Eat Alone: And Other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a Time, by Keith Ferrazzi

Ways to develop strong relationships and grow your network.

20. The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness, by Dave Ramsey

Highly recommended for anyone! Great plan for develop financial fitness, whether you are in debt or not.

21. The 100 Thing Challenge: How I Got Rid of Almost Everything, Remade My Life, and Regained My Soul, by Dave Bruno

Interesting narrative on the author’s personal challenge to limit himself to 100 possessions.

22. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari: A Fable About Fulfilling Your Dreams & Reaching Your Destiny, by Robin Sharma

A novel which tells the story of a highly successful lawyer who saved his life once he understood that success is not defined by your title, your possessions, or your bank account.

23. The Talent Code: Greatness Isn't Born. It's Grown. Here's How., by Daniel Coyle

Outstanding read on how talent is developed.

24. Revolution of Character: Discovering Christ's Pattern for Spiritual Transformation, by Dallas Willard and Donald Simpson

A MUST READ for anyone concerned with developing their character and becoming the person you have the potential to become.

25. Why Holiness Matters: We've Lost our Way--But We Can Find it Again, by Tyler Braun

Very insightful read about the lack of importance my generation has on being Holy.

26. The Little Big Things: 163 Ways to Pursue EXCELLENCE, by Tom Peters

Just like the title says, little things that you do can portray you in a big way.

27. The 17 Essential Qualities of a Team Player: Becoming the Kind of Person Every Team Wants, by John C. Maxwell

Highly recommended for anyone who is involved with a team or group of any sort.

My Top-5 Recommendations

The Compound Effect

The 17 Essential Qualities of Being a Team Player

The Revolution of Character

Crush It!

The Power of Full Engagement