We have just finished June, which marks the halfway point of the year. I previously wrote a post about adding something new to your life each year. This year, I decided to add education to my life. Not traditional education, but applicable education found through reading books that have direct application to my life. Since I have not been much of an avid reader my whole life (0 books read voluntarily since graduating college in 2007), I decided to set a goal of 12 books in 2012. I figured one per month was reasonable. Turns out I had too low of expectations for myself. I just finished book number 13. I have since reevaluated my goal and am shooting to finish 30 books by the end of the year. Here is my 2012 book list (part 1). Click the title to order the book through Amazon.
1. The Compound Effect, Darren Hardy
A must read for anyone who is interested in tapping into their full potential. No matter your ambitions, this book will be influential to you. Practical applications to maximizing yourself.
2. How Successful People Think, John C. Maxwell
Insightful book with different strategies to guide your thought process.
3. The Primal Blueprint 21 Day Body Transformation, Mark Sisson
Great info on the primal diet and lifestyle. For anyone looking to make a change in their health and fitness level, it is a great day-by-day guide to jumpstart your progress. I did not participate in the challenge myself, but I know someone who did. Check out his results!
4. Letters to a Young Brother, Hill Harper
Harper’s e-mail exchanges with a young man in which he describes how a boy can develop into a man.
5. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Steven R. Covey
Seven habits you can develop to increase your effectiveness in whatever you are doing. Key takeaway: be driven by your principles.
6. The Four-Hour Workweek, Tim Ferriss
Shortening your workday in order to do more things you enjoy. Read Tim’s blog, The Four Hour Blog. He is a great source for lifestyle design ideas.
7. The Education of Millionaires, Michael Ellsberg
Ellsberg’s take on building career success through experiences and networks as opposed to traditional education. Anybody in high school or college who has ideas for their future should definitely read this book. Why spend tuition money if you can start your career instead?
8. Dangerous Grains, James Braley and Ron Hoggins
Two doctors who have spent time researching the effect of gluten grains on our bodies. The amount of diseases and illness that have been eliminated by simply removing grains from the diets of those used as case studies is astounding. Definitely worth a read if you are suffering from chronic pain or illness. It might give you a new outlook on how your diet influences your health. Food shouldn’t be attributed to only weight gain, but also illness and disease.
9. The 80/20 Principle, Richard Koch
Built around Pareto’s Principle that 80% of our productivity comes from only 20% of our work. If you are someone who feels like you are overworked, this is a great book to look at tips on limiting your workload while keeping (if not improving) your efficiency.
10. SPIN Selling, Neil Rackham
One of the most highly recommended books on sales strategies.
11. The Fire Starter Sessions, Danielle LaPorte
This book contains worksheets and practical ways to identify what your passion is and how you can turn that into a career (or at least a bigger part of your life). I recommend this book if you feel like you are bored in your job and want to find something else more fulfilling and aligned with what you are passionate about.
12. The $100 Startup, Chris Guillebeau
Contains stories and accounts of people who have started high-profiting businesses with startup funds of $100 or less. There are very helpful tips on what you can do to get started in your business if you have limited startup funds.
13. Crush It!, Gary Vaynerchuk
Offers tips on what you can do to turn your passions into a highly successful business. Anybody can do it, as long as you are willing to put in the work!