This award cknowledges a volunteer who has been committed to serving at our clinics, been actively involved in high school athletics, and most importantly represents the community well through character and academic progress.
When I was a kid, my parents would sign me up for some organized races. As I started gaining weight, races were no longer fun for me because I was so far behind the other kids.
Correction is a highly necessary part of the human life, especially for one who has the desire to grow. While there are times when correction is as simple as giving a bit of advice, it can also come from a painfully honest statement.
My current read is Talk Like Ted by Carmine Gallo. This book examines why certain people thrive when it comes to public speaking and presenting their ideas with each person being a former speaker at a TEDx conference.
Great teams always have great leaders. Whether it’s a coach or a player, great leaders find ways to keep the team accountable and on track towards success. (VIDEO)
A lot of kids that I talk to didn’t start playing basketball until they were in elementary school. I think this is perfectly normal. But it’s crazy to me to think that I have been shooting and dribbling since I was in diapers.
“What are your goals? Where do you want to end up?” These are questions I constantly hear. And while there was a time in my life when I had dreams of getting to get a job at a major university or even to the NBA, my spiritual formation has changed the way I see the future.